Tuesday, June 29, 2010

B's Birthday

My room mate's name is Brian. (hope he doesn't mind me using his name). And the 24th (last Thursday) was his birthday. It was pretty fun, so I thought I'd share it. For his 29th birthday, B (that's what I call him) wanted to go to Coney Island. Now Coney Island, like most New York City beaches, is ridiculously disgusting. It's a risk to even take your flip flops off to walk in the sand; you really might get cut. Nevertheless, it's the beach...and you gotta love the beach regardless. As soon as I got out of class I came home and got ready to go. B's friend Jackie met us at our apartment and we were on our way. When we got there B and Jackie bought 'supposedly unlimited' pina colada drinks. Once it was discovered the drinks were not unlimited and had zero alcohol I headed for the bank and the liquor store. Fifteen minutes later were on the beach lighting up and sipping cold vodka drinks. ahh! feels nice. B's happy. Jackie's cool. I'm chillin. A mexican man with a basket of mangos is approaching. Random people selling mangos is one of the best parts about new york in the summer. It's expensive! (3 dollars) so we decide to split one. But as soon as I take a bite I get up and chase the mango man down for another. The sun setting but giving off just enough heat to for B and Jackie to try the water. From their initial reactions, I can tell its freezing cold. Jackie stands back and retreats every time the waves roll in...until B dunks her:) I am such a death-a-phobe that I am always sitting back and taking in every little thing. I try to appreciate every good moment. While this may sound like a good thing to do, it keeps you from being IN the moment sometimes. It's so nice out. All the kids are having a ball running from the tiniest of waves. I'm blazed and I'm tipsy. Suddenly, I don't want to sit back and observe the moment anymore, I want to be in it. The vodka had suppressed my self consciousness (I also have a fear of wearing bikinis in front of people) and the next thing you know I'm headed towards the water. As soon as I get in B dunks me too>:/ Daaaag! Super salty!!!! Shortly thereafter I adjust to the water I see Jimbo. Delighted to see that me and B have dared to enter the water, he jumps in-clothes and all. It felt so good to be pushed by the waves I didn't get out for an hour. We smoke again and the 5th and final person, Kareem, gets there. Boy is he a character...He makes a few mean jokes about his girlfriend, takes a few swigs and the next thing you know we're off to the bumper cars. Now I dont know when is the last time I rode bumper cars....but that ish was waaaaay to fun not to go back soon. After 2 rounds of bumper cars we ride a few more rides before Kareem and Jackie have to go home. B, Jimbo, and I head back for the beach and fall asleep under the moon. Why don't my birthdays go like this?

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