Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The conversation after the chess game...

So I have a lot of guys that I hang out with despite Jimbo and I being 'together'. Yesterday I finally came to terms with the fact that...that's not okay. There's a senior researcher I met that gave me a tour of the lab he works in...we went for frozen margaritas and burgers last week (so good! check out O' Flannigans for $3.50 margaritas and Jackson hole for the best Burger in NYC). There's the bartender I worked with for a year and a half before my job closed down in May. There's the guy I claim as one of my best friends, as every time we hang out it's lovely and we are musical soul mates. There's my current study buddy. There's the friend of friend a met a rooftop party in Harlem....the list goes on. This list, however does not even include the men that I keep up with through text messaging/ facebook... whatever. Now I only have a ginuine romantic interest in Jimbo at this time but like to hang out. While I have my girls that I kick it with, these guys are 'friends' whose company I enjoy on occasion as well (I really do! interesting converstaions about wine/ talks about old films/ tales of drunkeness/ ect.). So yesterday me and my roomie (B) and I are kickin it. Our house it hot as hell (as HELL!! Im tellin you!) and we've been smokin trees and playin chess all morning (I can't seem to beat him:/). B had coincidentally run into me and one of my guy friends after we left the movie in Bryant Park. So now (the next day) we're chillin and get to talkin about the previous night. ME: I can't believe the way that Will (codename for my bartender friend) was talking to me last night!! He was talking about how nice my skin looked and was being very forward and suggestive. B: of course! Me: What you mean, 'of course'. We've been hanging out for a year and a half and he's never talked to me like that. B: Man, that dude was just waiting for the right time. That's what guy's do! ME:...he did say something about 'now that we don't work together....' B: yea that dude wants to F*uck you. Me: He does? B: Come on! You knew that. Me: Well, we've been kickin it for so long and he's never tried anything! and he kicks it with all the chicks I used to work with. B:yea, and he wants to f*ck them too! Me: damn! So EVERY guy that I kick it with secretly wants to do it?!?! I don't even be thinking I'm their type! B:Man,a WOMAN PERIOD is every dudes type, especially the beautiful ones. If I had a beautiful woman I wouldn't trust anybody around her! And you stay kickin it with not just ONE dude who wants to get at you...multiple dudes! If I were 'Jimbo' I'd be kicking it with hella chicks. ME: but I just be wanting to kick it and enjoy peoples company. EVERY dude can't think like that! I'd like to believe that some guys really do just want to be my friend and I'm not their type. B: Nah. Every time a man sees a beautiful woman or 'befriends' one, he's thought about it. ME: but how can men think about that ALL THE TIME. There's so much other stuff to think about! Sex is good to us (women) too, if not better, but we don't think about it all the time! So you're tellin me that every guy I kick it with wants to hit it?! B: Yea! ME: And ugly girls are for friends? B:Yea! Well no...I don't want to say that. but with the beautiful chicks...we do at least think about it if not try to get with them. And when you hang out with a dude, they think you like them...or that at least there's a chance. ME: Damn. So I can't even be nice to a dude because he may think... B: I'm telling you! That's the problem! MEN DON'T THINK LIKE YOU DO! We don't. Women be thinkin we're thinking and feeling how they are and we don't. I would get with every chick if I could. EVERY one. ME: Wow. I don't think that at all. I mean I do it with people I really like or am attracted to. Once I've ruled you out from being my type then that's it. B: Men don't think like that. ME: So it really is like what you told me about the anatomy of a men and women...I (and all women) produce just one egg a month and subconsciously tend to be more choosy, where as men produce a million sperm every time they (you know). So you really do want to get with every chick...but it's so much better when you are with someone you really care about and you can just be with them all the time! B: Yea you're right. When you find the right chick. I would like nothing more than to be with a beautiful woman all the time...she has to be beautiful though! and we could kick it, smoke, and have fun together, I'll take care of her...then whenever I wanted to I would just(blank blank blank). ME: B! B: but until that happens...

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